Formation of companies
The business name is a formality for all companies that want to develop and respect the law. The companies can be one-person or multi-person limited liability companies (SARL), one-person or multi-person limited companies (SA), individual companies, associations, or simply economic interest groups. Whatever your nature, we help you in the creation of your company and in obtaining the legal documents, which are the trade register (RCCM) and the IFU number. At Nafann, we take care of the whole procedure until you get the trade name. We also take care of the drafting of all the documents necessary for this procedure.

Business operations
To develop and maintain your business in compliance with legal regulations is our priority we offer several services.
Annual report
We help you to close your accounts and at the same time to determine your turnover by means of the result. As the accounting result is different from the tax contract, it is important to be able to determine it. We help you to do it, by releasing the taxable profit and the amount of the taxes to be paid.
Compliance Calendar
We help you to close your accounts and at the same time to determine your turnover through the result. As the accounting result is different from the tax contract, it is important to be able to determine it. We help you to do this, by determining the taxable profit and the amount of taxes to be paid. We help you set up a compliance program, which is a process or system that allows your company to remain in compliance with the laws. The benefits of this program include:
— Identify and reduce the risk of a legal violation.
— Rectify a violation that may occur.
— Foster a culture of compliance within the organization.
— Mitigate the risk of criminal or civil liability for employees, management, and the company itself.
Operating agreement
The operating agreement is a key document needed and used by LLCs because it describes all financial and functional decisions of the business, including rules, regulations and provisions. Its purpose is to govern the internal operations of the business in a manner that meets the specific needs of the business owners. This document is therefore essential to the survival and proper functioning of the business relationship.
We can help you draft this document which contains
— TThe percentage of ownership of the members
— Voting rights and duties
— Powers and duties of members and officers
— Distribution of profits and losses
— The holding of meetings
— Redemption rules (procedures for transfer of interest or in case of death)
Dissolution of the corporation
In the life of a company, it can happen that those who own it, decide for one reason or another to dissolve it. We take care of this procedure. We take care of the formalities to be accomplished with the State, the procedure of closing of the accounts, the liquidation, and the formal notice.
Modification of a company
A company modification occurs when there is a change in the company. It can be a change in the company's name, the addition or removal of a director, or changes in the company's shareholding. We can help you with this procedure. This means that we will tell you what documents you need to provide, and we will help you put them in place.
Foreign qualification
Foreign qualification is the act of registering your business with the Secretary of State's office in another state. It allows your business to legally enter into growth opportunities across state lines without having to form a new business entity. This is usually the first step in expanding a business into a new state. We can help you with all the registration formalities.
Intellectual Property
This is the field that includes all the exclusive rights granted to intellectual creations. We help you in the process of protecting your creations such as drawings, artistic works, plans, drafts, etc. Our assistance will consist in satisfying the procedure of registration of the application for protection, verification of the potential copyrights on the creations you want to protect and collection of documents that prove the copyrights on the intellectual creation. In depth, we help you to know the price of your provisional patent. This is the fee that every company has to pay every year
