


NAFANN is a cloud-based strategic business company. It is composed of several departments. Technical and administrative. The trade name NAFANN is a formula that comes from the national language Moore and means, in short, beneficial for all. It helps companies, states and organizations through commercial and technological assistance based on a cloud system. It makes the continuous training of its employees a priority.


NAFANN makes the protection of its customers' privacy a priority. NAFANN wants to reassure its customers that their personal data is fully protected and wants you to know how we collect, use and share your data. The privacy policy we make available to you discusses our data collection practices and your rights to access, correct or restrict our use of your personal data. This Privacy Policy is directed to all individuals who use our products and services. It also applies to potential customers of our commercial and corporate products. By registering or surfing on the NAFANN website you agree to the terms of this privacy policy. No one should use NAFANN's services if you do not agree to this Privacy Policy or any other agreement that governs your use of this product. NAFANN is based on the GDPR and Law No. 001-2021/AN of March 30, 2021 on the Protection of Persons with regard to the Processing of Personal Data


AFANN is committed to processing your data:
— With fairness lawfulness. In processing your personal data, the individual rights of the data subjects are protected. NAFANN will ensure that your personal data is processed fairly and lawfully.
— For the specific purpose for which it was collected.
— In a transparent manner.


➢ Visitor without an account

Simply visiting the website of Nafann does not result in the collection of data. Nafann only starts collecting personal data if the visitor acquires an account making him a user of our services. This means that you can surf our website safely and without risk of leaving your sensitive data. For details on how to obtain an account, please refer to the terms of use of our website.

➢ User with an account

When a user account is opened, NAFANN will collect several different types of personal data. The personal data collected are:
— E-mail address
— First name and last name or company name
— Telephone number
— Address, state, province, city

The email address is collected to allow you to register on our website, as well as for the rest. After the creation of the account, you will have your access elements to your account (password and username), Nafann, with your permission can collect them to facilitate your access to your account.


We use your collected personal data, which you consent to give us, for various purposes which are:
— To provide you with our services,
— To inform you of changes to our services and/or products.
— To provide customer support.
— To gather valuable analysis or information to provide you with better offerings that meet your needs
— To provide you with better offerings that meet your needs
— To detect, prevent and address technical problems,
— To troubleshoot navigation problems on our site.
— For marketing purposes to promote our services. If you give us permission to do so, we will collect your emails and send you promotional offers of our services. At any time, you may opt out of this option.
Other than for these purposes, your personal information will not be used or transferred.


In accordance with the Data Protection Regulation, we do not knowingly collect data from children under the age of majority even with their consent.
Any parent or legal guardian of the minor child can request the deletion of his or her child's personal data collected by us unconsciously.
To contact us see the contact us section for full information. RETENTION OF PERSONAL DATA


INAFANN will retain your personal data only for as long as necessary and for the purposes set out in this data protection policy.
NAFANN will retain and use your information to the extent necessary to comply with legal obligations, resolve disputes and enforce our policies.


The data collected will not be shared in any way Your data will not be transferred to any other entity. Only you and NAFANN's data protection department will have access to your data. Unless you give access to other entities yourself.


Nafann has a security system that is on three levels:
The first level concerns its hosting support which protects the personal data collected.
The second, Nafann has a certification issued by a certification body who is qualify.

And the last one, as any organization it has been set up a security system for the protection of personal data collected by our organization. But since no system is 100 percent reliable due to the advent of new technologies and the spread of the Internet, there is always a risk of unauthorized access. Therefore, the protection of your registration data such as your password and username become important. It is your responsibility to protect them. It is also your responsibility to report any unauthorized access to your account so that we can minimize the damage.


Under the European Regulation on the protection of personal data and the Burkinabe law n°001- 2021/AN of March 30, 2021, on the Protection of persons about the processing of personal data, you have several rights.
Therefore, you have the following data protection rights:
— The right to access, update or delete the information we hold about you.
— The right to rectification.
— The right to object.
— The right to restriction.
— The right to data portability.
— The right to withdraw consent.
— The right to erasure
— The right to limit and refuse cookies


The right of access means that you can ask us to confirm your personal data being processed, to provide you with details of their processing and to give you a copy of said personal data.
The right of erasure means that you can ask us to erase your personal data if certain conditions are met. However, if the processing of your data is necessary for the fulfilment of a legal obligation or for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims, NAFANN will not be able to comply with your request.
The right to object, you may object in writing to any processing of your personal data, carried out based on our "legitimate interests" only if your fundamental rights and freedoms are at risk. NAFANN for its part, after receiving your request, reserves the right to justify and demonstrate the importance of collecting your data.
In addition, you may object to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes, which includes profiling insofar as it is related to such direct marketing.
The right to portability, you can request that we provide your personal data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, or you can request that it be "ported" directly to another data controller. But only where our processing is based on your consent and the processing is carried out by automated means.
The right of rectification means that you can ask us to update or correct certain information; NAFANN will first verify the accuracy of the information before proceeding with the rectification.
The right to restrict, you can ask us to restrict (i.e., retain but not use)
The right to withdraw consent means that you can withdraw your consent to the collection of your data.
The right to restrict refusal of cookies means that you can choose the types of cookies to be installed on your computer or rarely refuse them.
It is your choice not to provide us with certain data, but you may not be able to use certain features of our services.


To exercise your rights, please contact us using the contact information provided in the "How to Contact Us" section.


We may update this privacy policy. Any changes will be notified to you by email as soon as possible. Any changes will be effective upon posting so that any old policy will lapse. The consultation of our web site and the use of its services will be considered as a renewal of the consent of acceptance.


The responsibility for the intended use of your data lies with our company and each member will be responsible for it.


To report any concerns, make any inquiries or submit any complaints regarding our privacy policies, please contact us at support@nafann.com


For any kind of question, you can contact us at support@nafann.com