
Our story

Our story

The idea of Nafann was founded by a Burkinabe expatriate in the United States 5 years ago. Since the birth of the idea, he has tried different ways to realize this dream he believes in. After several failures and betrayals, the dream is now beginning to take a real shape in the eyes of all. The company was legally born in Burkina Faso in 2022 and was created by Burkinabe’s concerned about the development of the African continent and who found in technology the means to achieve this much sought-after development. At the beginning, it had 14 members. This number has evolved over the months bringing the total number of members to 16 at the official opening of the company in January 2022. The process of launching the company began in 2020, specifically in October, with capacity building for its members. This capacity building focused first on a three-month English language training to improve the international language skills of the company members in relation to the company's scope and vision. Secondly, it was a twelve (12) month intensive specialization for each company member in a specific field related to the company's future activities. Nafann's story is just beginning in Burkina Faso but will extend far beyond the borders and the African continent.


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